Howick: Shaping the world of constructionView in browser

What can we learn from some tech savvy innovators in our industry? Time to find out. 

Welcome to In the Frame for April 2021. We have a couple of great inspirational stories to share with you. Both have embraced innovations in steel construction and both businesses have flourished as a result.
For our first story, we sit down with Synergy Steel and look at how their business model was transformed when they moved away from lumber construction to become an industry leader in framing automation. 

Our second story takes place in the home of innovation, Silicon Valley. We take a look at a very interesting project involving complex and curved geometry. We ask STUDIO, how they simplified the construction of a very ambitious design. 

Moving into modern methods of construction? Tune in.

We are putting together a podcast series to help construction business leaders get to grips with up-and-coming modern construction methods. We will interview people who are embracing offsite, modular and fast build construction technology. We want to learn through shared experiences. What worked? What did they struggle with? What would they do differently?

Do you have a story to share? If you have transitioned to modern technology in your business and think your experiences would benefit others, we would love to get you involved in the conversation. It is great exposure and hugely valuable for those in the sector who are considering making the shift. You can contact us here to find out more.



Synergy Steel adopted smart design technology and light gauge steel and never looked back.


Synergy Steel co-founders, Michael and Brian Iagnemma, talk about how building twice, first virtually, then the actual construction, has built their business. 


STUDIO Construction tackles curved geometry in Silicon Valley.

Studio Construction
STUDIO founder Scott Mitchell shines a light on how they tackle complex innovative designs in short time frames.



Shifting to light steel construction? Put us in the frame. 


If you are considering transitioning to modern construction technology and building with steel, talk to us about how Howick systems can benefit you. Visit our website, or email us to find out more.


Best regards


Deon Anderson

International Sales Manager


Howick Ltd
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April 2021   #In The Frame