Howick: Shaping the world of constructionView in browser

Find out how automation is making light work of structural challenges to change the face of modern construction. 

Welcome to In the Frame for July 2021. We come across exceptional people and stories from around the world all the time and this month is no different.

After a flash of inspiration, George Ajami turned a mundane repetitive task into a hugely successful business. He saw the potential of automation, wrote a program and the floodgates to new business opened up. Today we share his story as the founder of StrucSoft Solutions, a CAD-based framing software business. We have been working with George since 2006. What he knows about light steel framing automation could fill several books. 

Talk to any Englishman and they are obsessed with the weather - but not anymore. We talk to New Ways Construction, who have unleashed not one but three Howick machines to bring construction in-doors and offsite to make bad weather irrelevant. 



Company feature: StrucSoft Solutions turns structural problems into programmable solutions.


Framing automation would not be possible without software. Founder George Ajami shares his story, how he has automated success.


New project showcase: See how New Ways Construction weathered a production storm.

New Ways Construction
We discuss with New Ways Construction how they used three Howick machines to make light work of this 93-apartment project, bringing it in on time and budget.



Find out more about Howick technology and solutions.


The benefits of light steel framing, offsite and modular construction are being realised the world over. To find out more about the opportunities for your business, start a conversation. Visit our website, or email us to find out more.


Best regards


Deon Anderson

Head of Global Sales


Howick Ltd
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August 2021   #In The Frame